2018년 7월 2일 월요일

LENA study plan

07-02 ICIS
S5.5 The language-learning environments of Latino infants from Spanish-speaking homes from birth to 36 months

(1) Experiences over time
-from birth to 2, N=138, 1mo, 6mo, 14mo, 24mo

a. What was child's activity?
b. Who was activity with?
c. Who else was there?
6 am - 2 pm

-People over time
-Activity over time: sleep, out of home activities, TV/media, caregiver, literacy, play
-language input: literacy↓ play, feed ↑

(2) Language across routines (language input, quantity)
-video-recorded at home for 1-2 hours
-coded each minute
-fathers' language input ↑

-code-switching in bilingual environment
SES + bilingual(Dual Language Learner)
30 million gap - quantity and quality

shared bookreading

6mo, 14mo, 24mo, stimQ
reading quantity & quantity

outcomes - 54mo

parent reporting: have you ever read a book with your child?
how many days/week did mothers report reading with child?
when are parents reading to children?
6 moths bookreading significantly expect 54mo expressive language.

SES and mother-child interaction


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