2019년 10월 21일 월요일

How to select random 100 words to code from CHILDES transcripts

1. Clan 에서 다음 명령어를 돌려 tokenized word list 를 저장한다. (파일이름을 일일히 손으로 써야하는 단점)

vocd +t*MOT +d -t%mor 21_A0P05M.cha > 21_A0P05M.txt

2. R 에서 다음 명령어를 돌려 랜덤 단어를 100개 저장한다.

scan(file=file.choose(), what="char",encoding = "UTF-8", sep=" ") -> file1
sample(file1,100) -> file1.sample
unlist(strsplit(file1.sample, " ")) -> file1.sample

시선추적기 실험 절차

1. Calibration

zepman 에서 Experiment Control 창(아래 작업줄에 표시되어 있음)을 활성화 시킨 후 F5를 누르면 부스안의 화면이 콘트롤 모니터에서도 보임 (익숙하게 될 시 안하는게 좋음, 컴퓨터 CPU에 부담이 가므로). F10을 하면 전체화면으로 보임.

실험 시행을 위해서는 1로 표시된 창을 활성화시켜야 함.

(F10을 누르는 이유는 조작키를 크게 보려고 그러는 것임. 조작키의 내용은 다음과 같음)

C connect to eyetracker
S contact to simulated eyetracker

우리는 C 를 누름. 

<Enter> 를 두번 누르면 인형그림이 나옴.

거기에서 시야거리를 설정함. 65cm 가 이상적인 거리임.

다 되면 <Esc>를 누름. 그후 C를 다시 누르면 calibration (곰돌이 화면) 시작됨.

아기가 눈을 이미지에 집중하면 <enter>를 눌러 다음 이미지로 넘어감. 아기가 집중을 잘하면 다섯번에 끝낼 수 있음.

다 끝나면 <esc>를 두번 누름.

<X>를 누르면 실험이 시작됨

2. 실험

실험은 아기가 스스로 컨트롤 한다. 단 녹색의 어텐션 게터를 쳐다볼 때 엔터키를 눌러 자극을 제시한다.

3. 결과를 extract (database > extract results)

결과파일은 두가지로 생성됨. 하나는 iplp 처럼 자세한 시계열 데이터, 하나는 오른쪽 왼쪽 점수를 맨것.

IPLP 실험시 실험 자극 사이의 시간 간격이나 look away 시간, attention getter 의 지속 시간 등 변수를 조정하고자 하면 defs.zm 폴더 안의 내용을 편집한다.
시선추적기가 모니터 본체에서 이탈했을 경우 하드웨어의 세로 눈금과 모니터의 세로눈금을 맞추어주는 세팅을 해줘야 한다. IPLP>__실험장비설명>eyetracker 폴더 안의 매뉴얼에서 4.8 이하를 참조한다.
현재 habituation 은 previous block which consists of 4 trials 의 주시 시간과 비교해서 65% 아래로 떨어지면 완료되는 것으로 세팅되어 있다. 전체 6 블록이므로, 총 24개의 트라이얼을 모두 주시할 경우에도 완료된 것으로 간주한다. 각 트라이얼의 최대 지속시간은 ____초이다.

2019년 3월 17일 일요일

visual CDI

1. 공, 공어딨지? 공 저기있네.
2. 공, 공 찾아볼까? 공 저기있네.
3. 공, 공이다! 공 저기있네.
4. 공, 공 보여? 공 저기있네.

1. 자네.  누가 자지? 저기 자고 있네.
2. 박수치네. 누가 박수치지? 저기 박수치네.

2019년 1월 6일 일요일


설문지 : https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/

<segmentation 1 & segmentation 2>
"언어환경정보&가정환경조사" 설문지

<music perception test>
"music_언어환경정보&가정환경조사" 설문지

"언어환경정보" 설문지 : 가정환경조사 없음
-15개 응답
-2018-12-04 까지 사용
-2018-12-04 이후 "언어환경정보&가정환경조사" 사용

The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution - Mutsumi Imai & Sotaro Kita

<Sound Symbolism Bootstrapping Hypothesis>

  • Sound symbolism provides a scaffolding mechanism for children in various stages of language development.
  • Sound symbolism helps children learn the meaning of words at different stages of early lexical development.

1. Children, even pre-verbal infants, are sensitive to sound symbolism, due to a biologically endowed ability to map and integrate multi-modal input.

  • Canadian toddlers: kay-kee & boo-baa
  • Japanese 25-month-olds: novel sound symbolic words - walking in a specific manner
  • Japanese 3-years-olds: generating novel sound symbolic words
    • English-speaking adults with no knowledge of Japanese were able to guess which novel mimetics were used for which type of event (rolling or jumping) at above chance levels of accuracy.
  • Spanish-reared 3-month-olds: sound symbolism of vowels and size
  • American 4-month-olds: kiki & bubu

2. Young children are sensitive to a wider range of possible sound symbolic correspondences than adults, but this sensitivity gets pruned and reorganized as they learn more words in their native language.
  • Some sound symbolic words in a given language are opaque to adult speakers of other language.
  • (Iwasaki et al) Adult English speakers' judgements of conventional Japanese mimetic words for laughing and walking tended to converge with those of Japanese speakers on semantic dimensions concerning the magnitude(of size and sound), while they were quite different on evaluative dimensions (e.g. beauty and pleasantness).
  • (Saji et al) Japanese and English speakers were presented various locomotion videos and asked to generate a word that would sound-symbolically match each action, then rate that action on 5 semantic dimensions (size, speed, weight, energeticity and jerkiness). Results showed that certain sound-meaning links were common across the two languages.
  • Sound symbolic sensitivity in English- and Greek-speaking adults and 3-year-olds
    • (pretest) rating the degree of sound symbolic match between novel words and various manners of walking
    • (test) based on the ratings, 3 types of items were selected: universal items, English-specific items, distractor items
    • Greek-speaking children could correctly choose the target video in both universal and English-specific conditions, suggesting that Greek-speaking children were sensitive to a wider range of sound symbolic correspondences than Greek-speaking adults.
  • EEG & ERP study
    • The results from ERP and phase synchronization analyses suggest that 11-month-olds could clearly detect Koher's shape sound symbolism and that sound symbolic associations fosters multi-sensory integration and semantic processing.

3. Sound symbolism helps infants who have just started word learning to gain the insight that speech sounds refer to entities in the world (i.e. the referential insight for speech sounds).
  • Establishing word-referent associations
    • Sound symbolism facilitates word learning in 14-month-old Japanese-speaking infants.
    • 'moma' for a round shape and 'kipi' for a spiky shape
  • Helping children find the invariance for generalization
    • Regardless of the language infants were acquiring, sound symbolism helped the children to find the relevant invariance in the scene for the verbs.
    • Young children are sensitive to a broader range of sound symbolism, including sound symbolism that adults speaking the same language might not detect.

4. Sound symbolism helps infants associate speech sounds and their referents and establish a lexical representation.
  • (Fernald & Morikawa) Japanese mothers used sound symbolic words such as onomatopoeia/mimetics frequently when talking to Japanese infants.
  • (Saji & Imai) The mother used mimetics more often for younger listeners, and least often to the adult experimenter.
  • Parents often point to the object, and children tend to learn the name better when the referent object was pointed at in the past.
  • Caretakers also use different types of sound symbolic words, depending on the child's stage of language development.

5. Sound symbolism helps toddlers identify referents embedded in a complex scene, alleviating Quine's problem.
  • We agree that sound symbolism does not always help or sometimes even impedes word learning. Learning the meaning of a new word may be impeded if another similar sounding word with similar meaning is activated in children's minds.
  • The facilitative role of sound symbolism for individual word learning may differ across different classes of words and across different developmental stages.

Sound symbolism facilitates early verb learning - Mutsumi Imai *, Sotaro Kita , Miho Nagumo , Hiroyuki Okada

Sound symbolism facilitates early verb learning

1. Research demonstrated the speakers of two very different languages (English and Japanese) both recognized the same sound symbolism in the domain of actions. (= sensitive to the sound symbolic)

- The sound symbolism was detectable by adult native speaker of Japanese and adult native speaker of British English who had no knowledge of Japanese.

- The same sound symbolism was detected by Japanese children as young as 25 months of age who could not have been exposed to the novel mimetics used in the study.

- It is first research to empirically establish that there is link between linguistic sound       and action.

- Mimetics seem to contain aspects of sound symbolism that are biologically grounded and are recognized by speakers of across different languages.

- Yet, mimetics are one of the hardest types of words of adult second language learners
 : may require massive exposure to mimetics used in real contexts
 : it is crucial to have intensive exposure to a specific language in early stages of       development

2. Sound symbolism plays a facilitative role in learning of action names in 3-year old children.

- When novel verbs sound-symbolically matched the action, then 3-year old children were able to make generalization.

- It was the sound-symbolic properties of the mimetic words which facilitated verb generalization, not children’s morphological or syntactic properties.

- The sound symbolism of the mimetic verb may help children isolate the action out of the various components of an event.

- Sensitivity to sound-meaning matching increases with learning, and some aspects of sound symbolism are more likely to be language-specific.

- When children do detect sound symbolism in learning a novel word, they take advantage of it, and this additional cue is especially helpful for the learning of action names.

2019년 1월 1일 화요일

sound symbolism papers

1/7 Lab meeting (Jihyo and Hyunji, pick an article to present.)

Iconicity in word learning and beyond: A critical review

Sound symbolism facilitates early verb learning

The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution

Affective Congruence between Sound and Meaning of Words Facilitates Semantic Decision

The Structure of Ideophones in African and Asian Languages: The Case of Dagaare and Cantonese

The Changing Role of Sound-Symbolism for SmallVersus Large Vocabularies

Quantifying iconicity’s contribution during language acquisition: implications for Vocabulary learning