2018년 12월 18일 화요일

How to import LENA Data

When we get a LENA DLP (digital language processer) in the mail these are the steps to save the data:
  1. First write the number of the DLP on the LENA 녹음 활동 기록표. The number is on the back of the recorder under a barcode. This is just incase we get multiple packages at once and the recorder are switched before we manage to download any data.
  2. Open "Launch LENA" (코끼리 아이콘) from the desktop.
  3. Turn the DLP on by holding down the power button.
  4. Plug the DLP into the cord right behind my keyboard, it should be connected to a USB port on the back of my computer.
  5. HOPEFULLY** the LENA software will pop up with a box asking you to choose the child that the recording belongs to. If this is the first time this child visited, click "Add" (or it might be "create child" or "new"...in any case, do not click "assign" because that assigns the recording to a child that already has been created).
  6. It will prompt you for information about the child. The method I use is First Name = [participant number] (e.g. P90--get from google calendar), Last Name = [experiment run], (e.g. Segmentation or IPLP--also on google calendar), Birth Date = [month][day][year], Gender = [male/female]. Click create/enter or whatever the button says. See below for the naming system now that multiple experiments are running.
  7. Now you click the "Assign" button (I think it's actually "assign child" or "assign DLP"). It will prompt you if you are sure, make sure the information is correct and click ok. Then it will prompt you to choose the time zone. It is usually set as Seoul automatically so just click OK. Then the download should begin.
  8. The download time only takes about 30 seconds, then it begins to process the file. You can remove the DLP once the file is downloaded but while it is still processing. The screen will tell you if you can or cannot remove the DLP. Go to "My computer" and eject the DLP (it is usually called something like LENA [DLP number] eg LENA 014422). Charge the DLP in the wall charger. DO NOT CLOSE THE LENA SOFTWARE OR TURN OFF THE COMPUTER. The software must stay on to finish processing a file. It will take about 1.5 hours for a 16 hour recording.
  9. Finally update the LENA participants spreadsheet on the googledrive with all the information that is written on the LENA 녹음 활동 기록표. Fill in the address from the package received, and get the participant number from the google calendar.
  10. Put the log in the yellow folder above my computer that says "LENA 녹음 활동 기록표" on the side.
  11. ALL DONE!
**Troubleshooting: Occasionally the LENA software does not recognize a recorder when it is plugged in. So far I've tried a combination of restarting the computer, turning the DLP on and off, and plugging the USB into a different port. So far, changing the USB port seems to be the most effective so just try out other ports in both the front and back of the computer..

Naming System within LENA
The chart below shows which items uniquely identify participants from the multiple experiments we are running. Since some children participate in multiple experiments, it's important that we can group them correctly once it's time to analyze the data.

Last Name
First Name
Music (Mxx)
Word Teaching
Segmentation 1

Segmentation 2

For example if a child participated in IPLP and Music, his/her last name would be IPLP-Music, first name would be Mxx-Ixx, and there would be no grouping
For a child that participates in IPLP, Moma, and Music, Last name would be IPLP-Music-Moma, first name would be Mxx-Pxx-Ixx, and Grouping would be Moma.
Participants who did segmentation 1 and 2 have a last name of Seg1-2, first name of Sxx(Sxx) where the first S is their number in seg 1 and the number in parenthesis is their number in seg 2. Participants who started with Seg 2 have only their participant number from Seg 2 listed.
We are running into cases where children have done more than 3 studies. I've been prioritizing Seg 1, Seg 2, and CDI for the labeling, and if they did anything else I just add it at the end of their first and last name.

Unfortunately the LENA software does not allow grouping of kids into more than one group, or this would be much simpler.