- segmentation
- (1) monosyllable(Nishibayashi, 2014)
- Familiarization: passage - Test: target / distractor
- Participants: 20 6-month-olds (Nishibayashi, 2014), 24 7.5-month-olds (Jusczyk, 1995)
- Stimuli: 책, 컵, 국, 밥
- 4 monosyllabic words (Jusczyk, 1995) (Nishibayashi, 2014)
- content words containing stressed syllables, having a well defined onset and offset, contrasting in their vowel qualities, and being used in simple sentences that one might speak to a child. (Jusczyk, 1995)
- 4 different 6-sentence passages (18.51s - 20.6s) / 15 times in a row of the isolated words (25.84s - 27.13s) (Jusczyk, 1995)
- 4 different 8-sentence passages, 10 mean number of syllables per sentence / a list of 20 isolated occurrences (20s) (Nishibayashi, 2014)
- (Nishibayashi, 2014) Young French-learning infants can segment monosyllabic words (at 6 and 8 months), syllables embedded in bisyllabic words (at 6 months) but cannot segment bisyllabic words (at 6 months). "passage - word"
- (Jusczyk, 1995) 7.5-month-old American infants can segment monosyllabic words. "word-passage"
책,밥(target) 컵,국(distractor) / 컵,국(target) 책,밥(distractor)
(1) Familiarization - 2 Passage
-한 passage = 6문장 - initial-medial-final 2번 순환, 한 passage 당 20s
-각 단어의 passage 당 familiarization criterion 30s
=> familiarization phase 시간: 2개 passage를 30s씩 = 60s, 1분이상 봐야 함
-각 트라이얼마다 어느 방향 스피커에서 나오는지, 어느 순서로 나오는지 랜덤
(2) Test - 2 Target / 2 Distractor
-한 단어 당 list는 1개, 단어 15번 읽음, 각 20s
-모든 test trial에서 각 단어의 list(총 4개) 나옴
-2분 familiarization 끝나면 바로 시작
-3개 트라이얼 - 4개 lists (나오는 순서, 나오는 방향 랜덤)
=> test phase 시간: trial 3개 x list(20s) 4개 = trial 3개 x lists 4개(80s) = 240s, 최대 4분
(예) trial 1: 책 list -> 국 list -> 밥 list -> 컵 list
(예) trial 2: 국 list -> 밥 list -> 컵 list -> 책 list
(예) trial 3: 밥 list -> 컵 list -> 책 list -> 국 list
-2s 이상 다른 데 보면 끝나고 다음으로 넘어감
실험 예상 시간 약 5분
- Word Teaching Task(Aslin, 1993) (Fernald & Mazzie, 1991)
- (Aslin, 1993)
- 12개월, lips, wrist, lobe 가르치기
- novel but actual word
- onset phoneme that is typically continuously voiced
- referred to a body part that could be used as a pointing-referent
- (Fernald & Mazzie, 1991)
- (1) 옷입히기책 tell the story in a comfortably furnished laboratory playroom - 14개월 IDS, ADS
- (2) 독일산 가전제품 teach how to assemble machines - ADS
- 몇 분 간 가르치게 했는지 없음
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